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Assalamu alaikum varahmathullahi vabarakathuhu LEt me introduce myself.Im umar mukthar Basically i am a software Engineer working in a leading concern.i am from Tamilnadu i have created this blog to share some religious data to all my brothers to know more about Islam .

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Accept the blessing and make the most of it..

Use the blessings of Allah swt with gratefulness. Enjoy the blessing of water in your drinking, washing and ablution. Enjoy the blessing of the sun as light and heat. Enjoy the blessing of the moonlight as gratification of the eye. Enjoy picking fruits, crossing rivers, sailing the seas or travelling through desert lands and thank Allah swt, the Almighty, the All-Merciful.

Benefit from all these blessings, which Allah swt has bestowed upon you, and do not be ungrateful towards them. Do not be like those on whom Allah swt says:

(They recognise the favours of Allah, and then they deny them) Surat an-Nahl, Verse 83.

Before looking for the flower's thorns, look at its beauty. Before complaining about the heat of the sun, enjoy its light.

Before grumbling about the darkness of the night, remember its calmness and tranquility.

Why do people have this dark pessimistic outlook about things?

Why do people change the blessings from their course?

Allah swt says about them:

(Have you not seen those who have changed the favour of Allah into blasphemy) Surat Ibrahim, Verse 28.

Take Allah swt's blessings, and accept them well at heart and praise Him for them.

"The transition from wrong to right is a long adventure, yet it is beautiful."